Wednesday 16 March 2011

Author Interview with Josephine Angelini

Josephine Angelini
Released: 3rd June 2011

Today I would like to welcome debut author Josephine Angelini to the blog who has been kind enough to answer some questions about her novel, Starcrossed. I loved loved loved this book and if you haven't already read my review read it here.

1) How does it feel to be a published author?

It's amazing!  Sometimes I don't believe that this is really happening, like I'm going to wake up and find that this whole year has just been one very long and convincing daydream.  I read and I write all day long.  I have the best job in the world!

2) Please could you sum up Starcrossed in once sentence?

Starcrossed is a modern day re-imagining of the Iliad, set in high school.

3) You have said Lucas is loosely based on your husband, do friends and family often influence your characters?

Friends, family, people I run into at the grocery store, everyone I've ever met influences my characters, and the people closest to me influence it the most.  Claire is an amalgam of a few childhood friends I had, really wonderful girls that I still adore, and a few of my current girlfriends.  Helens father Jerry is named after my brother Jerry.  While my brother has a very different personality from Helens dad, every time I write the name 'Jerry' I smile and think of my amazing big brother.  I use tricks like this to bond with my characters.  It makes me feel closer to them.

4)  Who is your favourite character from Starcrossed and why?

Helen's my favorite.  She's as tough as they come, but she isn't hardened.  She knows she isn't the smartest, or the bravest, or the most compassionate person in the world, but where she feels she lacks a quality she turns to a friend to help her better herself.  Helen isn't perfect, but she isn't afraid to keep trying.  I admire that.

5) Can you tell us anything about Dreamless, book 2 in the Starcrossed  trilogy?

Dreamless is darker than the first book.  There is a lot more action and danger, and a new character which I hope everyone likes, named Orion.  And it has a kick-ass ending, a real nail-biter.  I'm super proud of how it turned out.

6) Other than your own book, what is your favourite YA book and why?

Anne of Green Gables, no question.  I think I've read all the 'Anne' books about a zillion times, starting from when I was 9 or 10.  I LOVE Anne, and I think I'll always try to put a bit of her spark and spunk in my YA characters.

7) Which book is your all time favourite and why?

Wow, I just don't know.  I've always been an avid reader, and at different times in my life there have been books that I read over and over and couldn't bear to be parted from.  I get attached to books and I won't go anywhere without them.  I admit that it's a little creepy, but what can I do?  I get obsessed with stories.

8) You may not believe it but..........................

I can juggle.  I'm serious! I know how to juggle.  Not very well, but I can keep three balls in the air.  If this writing thing doesn't shake out I guess I could always be a clown.  :)

Thank you so much for stopping by to answer my questions, I can't wait for Dreamless!!
I'm rather impressed that you can juggle and a little jealous!

If you would like to find out more about Josephine and her debut novel STARCROSSED you can do by following the links below:~


Bdua said...

Amazing interview, my favorite question/answer was the number 4.
I can't wait to read Starcrossed!

Bungle said...

I'm really glad you like the interview :) Starcrossed is brilliant, one of the best books I've read so far this year!

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