Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Reviewers Needed

As you know/can see the Midnight Reads blog hasn't been very active of late. Most of you know I have been very ill and Sally has not only been travelling all over the country for work but all so all over the world. I work two jobs as well as being the main source of transport for my parents and the blog is suffering.

Sally and I love this blog and the last thing we want to do is shut it down so we are looking for 2 new reviewers to join the Midnight Reads team!!! Yes I did say 2! Sally and I feel very positive about this and we are really excited to expand the Midnight Reads family.

A while back we mentioned we are reviewing ALL genres on the blog from now on so if you love to read and can commit to reviewing at least one book a week we want you! To apply please email a review sample to us at no longer than 500 words of any book you wish along with your name and a little bit of information about yourself. Closing date is Noon (UK time) Sunday 30th June.

Sally and I will pick our favourite reviewers from the information we receive and who we think is right for the blog. We will let the chosen 2 know via email before announcing it on the blog. And to quote The Hunger Games:~

"May the odds be ever in your favour"


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