Title: Clockwork Princess
Author: Cassandra Clare
Published: March 19th
By: Walker Books.
line: "I'm afraid" said the little girl sitting on the bed.
line: Sorry, spoilery!
line: Sorry, if I started adding fave lines in here, I'd end up re-writing half the book!
So Clockwork
Princess has been my most anticipated book since the release of its
predecessor, Clockwork Prince. I've certainly made no secret of my affiliation to Team Jem and I have devoured
every teaser and every plot theory on every website that I could get
my hands on whilst I waited for its release. To compound the anticipation further I spent
hour after hour speculating further with my twitter peeps as to how things
might conclude. In the end was I disappointed?
Um, that would be a huge no! Actually I got everything I wanted and more!
has managed to wrap up the lives of everyone in the Infernal Devices series
very neatly and I will talk about that soon. Now is not the time. We have far more pressing matters to get out in the open. I can’t
really go any further without discussing what is undoubtedly the most perfect
love triangle ever created! EVER! Jem, Tessa and Will. Oh. My. God. There were
so many feels in this last read I can’t even begin to explain.
Are there winners and losers in the end? I actually think there are but
you have to get right to the end of the book, right to the end of the epilogue
and then you have to think about it for a bit to realise it. Or at least I did, but then I was pretty numb
for about a week so it did take me a while… No spoilers here, but just to say
that what with Jem being so ill and so in love with Tessa, with Will being so
in love with Tessa and trying to hide it because of his love for Jem, with
Tessa being in love with both of them and with Will and Tessa both fearing for
Jem’s health this book chewed me up and spat me out over and over again. I lost almost a whole nights’ sleep, partly
because I couldn't put the book down, partly because when I did put the book
down, when the words were starting to blur, I was so overdosed on the feels I couldn't sleep anyway!
furore surrounding the Jem/Tessa/Will triangle does have the potential to steer
readers attention away from the main plot.
Thankfully this did not happen for me. Mortmain’s plans really start to take centre
stage in this final instalment and we finally get to see just how deluded he is
and how much he is prepared to sacrifice to get his own way. The final battle scenes in this story are
really well written and provide a fitting conclusion to the story as a whole.
I was pleased that the peripheral stories still stood out, even amongst the angst and the feels. Jessamine’s return to the Institute, Gideon
Lightwood’s relationship with Sophie, Charlotte’s battle to keep her role as leader of the Institute
and to keep her family together and Henry’s devotion to her kept me transfixed from the first page. Magnus was a joy as ever, and I love how much
softer he is in this series. He often speaks throughout both TID and TMI about
how immortality and the losses one experiences hardens one over time and I can
see how that has clearly happened to him over the centuries. I will admit I was a little annoyed by Will’s
sister Cecily at first and she seemed to come across as a spoilt brat but I did
start to warm towards her towards the middle of the book. Did I like her by the end? Jury's still out on
that one…
There are some fab little snippets in here that tie in really nicely with The Mortal Instruments, not that I'm telling you here because that would be spoilery but when they do pop up it's like a eureka moment. You'll see what I mean when you get there. There
is also a lot of humour in this book and it stands out even more when it crops
up in the most dramatic of scenes. As
ever most of the humour revolves around Will, unsurprisingly. There were also a
couple of scenes that took me completely by surprise, more because of their
timing than anything else but having read the rationale behind Clare’s
decisions I can kind of see why she wrote what she wrote even though I may not
fully agree. We do also lose a couple of
well-loved characters along the way but by the epilogue we have gained so much
more. As for the epilogue itself Yeah,
that was the final nail in my coffin.
And whatever you do, do NOT look at the family tree until you've finished the book. It will totally spoil
it for you!
states that this book is about love and loss and she handles both beautifully. One
day soon, once I've taken the books out of the freezer I'm hoping to sit down
and read the series again from start to finish.
Until then I'm just going to sit on my sofa and sigh a lot and hope that
there are other books out there that can match this one. I don’t think they’ll be easy to find…
5/5 Team Jem! That is all. Thank you.