Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tyngs's Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may they be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical stores or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
We love sharing our books with you each week but more importantly we loving see what you add to your shelves. All links will take you to goodreads.
Bungle's shelf
So this week I received some amazing books from Hodder which I was not expecting at all and it made my week to be honest!! The first book this week was Anarchy by James Treadwell, I have book one but not yet read it, hearing loots of good things so when I can read properly I'll be get to them. The second book this week was Angelfall by Susan Ee which I know a few of you also got. It's soooo beautiful, as you can see I even love the envelop it came in!!!! I really really can't wait to read again! I also download an ebook which is Magyk by Angie Sage, I see a lot of people buying this series at the shop and I have seen you all talk about it via twitter so I wanted to see what all the fuss is about. I got this as a free download from ibooks/tunes as it was chosen as book of the week.
Sally's shelves
So this week I got a new bookshelf to display my wares on. Unfortunately, having moved the books that I already own around it's now full so I'm already on the hunt for another one! I did find space to fit in three new books though. This week I got my hands on Immortal City and Natural Born Angel by Scott Speer which came in a fab little two book pack. I also bought Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire. I loved Travis Maddox in Beautiful Disaster so I'm really looking forward to reading things from his perspective.

So that's it from us this week, we hope you had a good book week. We're off to have a nosey. Happy reading.
Great haul ladies, I love the cover for Anarchy, and I wish I could get into Advent but I couldn't make it past the first few chapters. Angelfall looks amazing.
I have a copy of Immortal City waiting to be read which I am hoping to get to soon.
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