Today I would like to welcome debut author Meredith Zeitlin to the blog who has been kind enough to answer some questions about her new book, Freshman Year & Other Unnatural Disasters. This book is fun filled and hilarious, if you haven't already read my review read it here.
How does it feel to be a published author?
It's pretty amazing. The process took so much longer than I had anticipated, so for a while it seemed like the book would never come out. There were times when I was so frustrated that I honestly didn't care anymore if it ever did. But now that it's finally happened, and people seem to really like Kelsey and her story, I feel happy and proud and excited and eager to write something new. All I wanted, really, was to write something that would make a fourteen-year-old girl somewhere laugh and feel like she wasn't the only imperfect person in the world and that that was totally okay. I think maybe I've actually done that, and I'm thrilled about it.
Could you please sum up FY&OUD in one sentence?
The hilarious tale of Kelsey Finkelstein's (mostly disastrous) adventures as a high school freshman.
How similar are Kelsey Finklestein and Meredith Zeitlin?
Oh, very similar indeed. Most of Kelsey's adventures are based on things that happened to me, and Kelsey's voice is pretty close to mine. I'd like to think she's a BIT exaggerated... but my friends might disagree. ;)
What is your favourite book and why?
Oh, this is hard - I love so many books, and so many different kinds of books! But if I can only choose one, it has to be "The Time-Traveler's Wife," by Audrey Niffenegger. This book is magic. It destroyed me – first, because I simply couldn't believe that the author had gotten it all to work out so perfectly. I would go flipping back to previously read scenes, thinking, “There's no way there isn't a mistake here somewhere..” but there were no mistakes. The humor in this book, the language, the images, the raw emotion, the sex, the visceral pain of loss – it's all there. I cried so hard when I got to the end (and, FYI, I almost never cry, period) that a woman on the subway asked if I needed help. This is probably the most perfect book I've ever read.
Will there be a follow up to FY&OUN?
People keep asking that, which makes me so flattered and happy. The answer is... I don't know. The next project I have planned takes place in the same world, so you'll see some of the characters again, but it isn't a sequel. But after that... who knows!? I'll just say MAYBE.
You may not believe it but……?
I haven't eaten ice cream in almost three weeks. I know - it doesn't seem likely, but please know that it's only because I've been sick. I would NEVER neglect ice cream on purpose.
Is there anything you would like to add?
Just thank you to everyone who's taken a chance on a debut author by picking up my book, and especially to the blogging community for being so welcoming and supportive. I really can't express how much I appreciate it.
Thank you for stopping by the blog Meredith!
To find out more about Meredith and her book check out the links below;
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